Helping aggressive children become well-adjusted teens

What makes the situation of so many of the at-risk youths of the country sadder is that it could have been prevented. Things could have been done earlier on in life that could have changed the course of their lives, although nobody is saying nothing can be done about these troubled teens. John Denboer PhD.

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A lot of today’s at-risk youths have resorted to violence as their only outlet or their only avenue in solving problems. Psychologists and other mental health professionals mention that this aggressive behavior can manifest itself quite early in a child’s life. Fortunately, there are a few ways to handle aggressive children so they may outgrow it as they enter their teenage years. John Denboer PhD.

Parents should show patience and restraint.

Children are sponges. When parents show aggressive behavior during instances of misbehavior, children pick that up. Without even knowing it, children who are hit learn how to hit as well. Children who are screamed at adopt the habit. John Denboer PhD.

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Parents should give their time and attention.</bi>

It’s been said countless times before – parents should give their time and attention to their children. Sometimes, a child acts aggressively because he or she wants attention. Ignoring children only makes the child angrier. That said, the attention a parent should give an aggressive child is one that presents authority and firmness. John Denboer.


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